MicrobiomeSupport Association offers different membership categories:

  • Ordinary members (academic) are legal entities (academic organisations such as universities and Research and Technology Organisations (=RTOs)) that research, work and actively participate in the activities of the association in the field of microbiomes in food systems or in related areas.
  • Ordinary members (industry) are legal entities or partnerships with legal capacity who support the activities of the Association by paying an increased membership fee. Special discounts are granted for microcompanies and small and medium enterprises.

Honorary member title can be awarded to natural or legal persons or partnerships with legal capacity on the basis of exceptional merit in the field of microbiomes in food systems or the promotion of the Association and its objectives.

Each member is obliged to promote the purpose of the association and to participate in the achievement of its vision, mission and goals within the scope of its possibilities.

Annual fees 2025*
Academic (e.g. Universities, Research and Technology Organisations): 3.000 €
Microcompanies**: 1.000 €
SMEs: 2.000 €
Large companies: 5.000 €

For institutions from low and lower-middle income groups (acc. to the World Bank classification***), discounted rates may apply. Please contact the Association directly (info@microbiomesupport.eu) if you believe your institution might be eligible.

* Membership fees of non-profit associations are exempt from VAT in Austria.

** Definition of SMEs and microcompanies according to EU recommendation 2003/361: