
About Claudia Puck

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So far Claudia Puck has created 95 blog entries.
6 11, 2019

‘From gene to trait’, a biotechnology pipeline course, gathered over 110 participants in Brazil


By Paula Drummond - GCCRC The second edition of the course brought together graduate students and professionals working in the biotechnological area. “To catch up on the novel and emerging approaches in a biotechnological [...]

4 11, 2019

Celebrating one year of MicrobiomeSupport – what have we achieved so far and what is next?


During the first year of MicrobiomeSupport, a lot of work has been going on and is still ongoing. Let’s celebrate by updating you on the best highlights! Why are microbes in the food system so [...]

1 10, 2019

Infographic: Microbes are everywhere in the food system!


Microbes are microscopic organisms like bacteria, yeasts and other fungi, and they occur everywhere in the food system. Communities of microbes are essential in plant, animal, human and environmental health, with a consequent impact in terms of crop [...]

28 08, 2019

Science is Wonderful! Join us at the European R&I Days, 24-26th September 2019


MicrobiomeSupport will be attending the European Research & Innovation Days, 24-26th September 2019. We are very excited to be actively involved in the 'Science is Wonderful' science communication event. You'll learn about microbes: In the [...]

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