Press releases

#1 Kick-off meeting (CSIC, released 14 December 2018, in Spanish)

#2 Kick-off meeting (Consortium, released 17 December 2018, in English)

#3 Common Grounds Workshop (Consortium, released 04 March 2019, in English and German)

#4 Publication on microbiome biobanks (released 05 August 2020, in English, German and Portuguese)

#5 Publication on microbiome innovations for a sustainable future (APA-OTS, released 28 January 2021, in German)

MicrobiomeSupport in the media​
Health Europa (online article): The world of microbiomes is about to get much better (18 December 2018)
News-Medical The Medical News (online article): CIRCLES kicks-off: From microbiome research to healthier and sustainable foods (14 January 2019)
Medicine news line (no longer available online): CIRCLES kicks-off: From microbiome research to healthier and sustainable foods (15 January 2019)
Medicalnewser (no longer available online): From microbiome research to healthier and sustainable foods (15 January 2019)
Gut Microbiota for Health Logo Gut Microbiota For Health (online article): The gut microbiome’s influence on non-communicable diseases and behaviour: main findings of MyNewGut project (11 February 2019)
Testaussendung von APA-OTS | OTS-Live, 05.02.2020 APA-OTS (online news): Große Hoffnung in kleinste Organismen (4 March 2019)
Österreich Journal (online news): Große Hoffnung in kleinste Organismen (4 March 2019)
News-Medical The Medical News (online news): Academic, industry stakeholders meet in Vienna for ‘MicrobiomeSupport Common Ground Workshop’ (5 March 2019)
MedicalNewser (no longer available online): Academic, industry stakeholders meet in Vienna for ‘MicrobiomeSupport Common Ground Workshop’ (6 March 2019)
IRTA (online news): We speak about the microbiome and the transformation of food systems at the 47th INIA Forum (15 April 2019)
Newswise (online news): International Phytobiomes Alliance Announces New Appointments to Board of Directors (16 April 2019)
Medianet - Inside Your Business. Today. (online article): Unser Darm als Zentrum (19 April 2019)
ScienceDirect (journal article): The Microbiome: A Life Science Opportunity for Our Society and Our Planet (22 May 2019)
Departement Economie, Wetenschap & Innovatie (online news): Wereld microbioom dag 2019 (24 June 2019)
FFG - The Austrian Research Promotion Agency | FFG FFG Groschung wirkt (online article): #Success Story: MicrobiomeSupport >> Netzwerk für mehr Gesundheit und sichere Lebensmittel! (19 July 2019)
Ecoplus | Download logos | GMK Free Logos PlusEco (online news): Netzwerk für mehr Gesundheit und sichere Lebensmittel! (22 November 2019)
INRAE (online article): What is a holobiont and why is INRAE interested in it? (25 June 2020)
INRAE (online article): Un holobionte qu’est-ce que c’est ? Et pourquoi INRAE s’y intéresse-t-il ? (25 June 2020)
See the source image EUFIC (online news): Landmark paper calls for the need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (5 August 2020)
Notimérica (online news): Un documento pionero exige la necesidad de desarrollar una infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020)
Europa Press (online news): Un documento pionero exige la necesidad de desarrollar una infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020)
Technology Networks - The Online Scientific Community Technology Networks (online article): Infrastructure Needed For Biobanking the World’s Microbiomes (13 August 2020) News - Apps on Google Play (online article): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020)
EurekAlert! (online news): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020)
Noticias Ultimas Noti-Ultimas (online news): Un documento histórico exige la necesidad de desarrollar la infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020)
Logo Phytobiomes Alliance (online news): Landmark paper calls for the need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020)
Occupy Independents (online news): Landmark Paper Calls For Need To Develop The World’s Microbiome Biobanking Infrastructure (13 August 2020) (no longer available online) Landmark paper requires have to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020)
Publimetro (online article): Ciencia – Un documento pionero exige la necesidad de desarrollar una infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020)
Nav: HomeNav: HomeNav: Home Bright Surf (online news): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020)
El Diario (newspaper article): Exigen desarrollar infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (14 August 2020)
New Zealand Online News (online news): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (14 August 2020)
Curioso Punto (online news): Necesitamos crear bibliotecas vivas de todos los microbiomas del mundo (15 August 2020)
Portal Embrapa Embrapa (online news): Mudança de paradigma na conservação de microrganismos é urgente, apontam pesquisadores (17 August 2020)
DouradosAgora (online news): A paradigm shift in the conservation of microorganisms is urgent, researchers point out (18 August 2020) (online article): Microbiome – the “smallest life” big on the rise (20 August 2020)
eCycle (online news): Uso de tecnologias de microbioma pode transformar a agroindústria (1 September 2020)
HAL (journal article): Microbiome definition re-visited: old concepts and new challenges (15 September 2020)
C2W (online news): Microbiomes in the safe (20 January 2021) (online news): Das Potenzial der Mikrobiome – Helfer für Umwelt und Gesundheit (28 January 2021) (online news): Das Potenzial der Mikrobiome – Helfer für Umwelt und Gesundheit (28 January 2021)
Der Standard (newspaper article): Ungenutzte Bodenschätze: Wie Mikroben die Welt verbessern können (20 March 2021)
Innovationsorigins (online article): Microbiomes could make our food systems more sustainable and resilient (29 July 2022)
Euractiv (online article): Biobased agri-innovation with microbiome products – EU lags behind US, Brazil and New Zealand, say microbiome researchers (16 September 2022)
Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development (online article): Microbiome research for a sustainable, healthy and safe food system (11 October 2022)
              Agropages (online article): A 60-year experiment points to the success of biofertilizers as an alternative to synthetic nitrogen (12 October 2022)
(online article): Азотфиксирующие биоудобрения экономят бразильским соеводам около 10 млрд долларов США в закупке синтетического азота (9 October 2022)
Mundo Agropecuario (online article): Un experimento de 60 años apunta al éxito de los biofertilizantes como alternativa al nitrógeno sintético (21 October 2022)
Project Repository Journal (online article): Paving the microbiome way for improved food systems (October 2022)
See the source image  EUFIC (online article): Microbiome innovations drive sustainable food production and human health (2 November 2022)