Health Europa (online article): The world of microbiomes is about to get much better (18 December 2018) |
The Medical News (online article): CIRCLES kicks-off: From microbiome research to healthier and sustainable foods (14 January 2019) |
Medicine news line (no longer available online): CIRCLES kicks-off: From microbiome research to healthier and sustainable foods (15 January 2019) |
Medicalnewser (no longer available online): From microbiome research to healthier and sustainable foods (15 January 2019) |
Gut Microbiota For Health (online article): The gut microbiome’s influence on non-communicable diseases and behaviour: main findings of MyNewGut project (11 February 2019) |
APA-OTS (online news): Große Hoffnung in kleinste Organismen (4 March 2019) |
Österreich Journal (online news): Große Hoffnung in kleinste Organismen (4 March 2019) |
The Medical News (online news): Academic, industry stakeholders meet in Vienna for ‘MicrobiomeSupport Common Ground Workshop’ (5 March 2019) |
MedicalNewser (no longer available online): Academic, industry stakeholders meet in Vienna for ‘MicrobiomeSupport Common Ground Workshop’ (6 March 2019) |
IRTA (online news): We speak about the microbiome and the transformation of food systems at the 47th INIA Forum (15 April 2019) |
Newswise (online news): International Phytobiomes Alliance Announces New Appointments to Board of Directors (16 April 2019) |
Medianet.at (online article): Unser Darm als Zentrum (19 April 2019) |
ScienceDirect (journal article): The Microbiome: A Life Science Opportunity for Our Society and Our Planet (22 May 2019) |
Departement Economie, Wetenschap & Innovatie (online news): Wereld microbioom dag 2019 (24 June 2019) |
FFG Groschung wirkt (online article): #Success Story: MicrobiomeSupport >> Netzwerk für mehr Gesundheit und sichere Lebensmittel! (19 July 2019) |
PlusEco (online news): Netzwerk für mehr Gesundheit und sichere Lebensmittel! (22 November 2019) |
INRAE (online article): What is a holobiont and why is INRAE interested in it? (25 June 2020) |
INRAE (online article): Un holobionte qu’est-ce que c’est ? Et pourquoi INRAE s’y intéresse-t-il ? (25 June 2020) |
EUFIC (online news): Landmark paper calls for the need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (5 August 2020) |
Notimérica (online news): Un documento pionero exige la necesidad de desarrollar una infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020) |
Europa Press (online news): Un documento pionero exige la necesidad de desarrollar una infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020) |
Technology Networks (online article): Infrastructure Needed For Biobanking the World’s Microbiomes (13 August 2020) |
Phys.org (online article): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020) |
EurekAlert! (online news): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020) |
Noti-Ultimas (online news): Un documento histórico exige la necesidad de desarrollar la infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020) |
Phytobiomes Alliance (online news): Landmark paper calls for the need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020) |
Occupy Independents (online news): Landmark Paper Calls For Need To Develop The World’s Microbiome Biobanking Infrastructure (13 August 2020) |
news4pal.com (no longer available online) Landmark paper requires have to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020) |
Publimetro (online article): Ciencia – Un documento pionero exige la necesidad de desarrollar una infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (13 August 2020) |
Bright Surf (online news): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (13 August 2020) |
El Diario (newspaper article): Exigen desarrollar infraestructura de biobancos de microbiomas del mundo (14 August 2020) |
New Zealand Online News (online news): Landmark paper calls for need to develop the world’s microbiome biobanking infrastructure (14 August 2020) |
Curioso Punto (online news): Necesitamos crear bibliotecas vivas de todos los microbiomas del mundo (15 August 2020) |
Embrapa (online news): Mudança de paradigma na conservação de microrganismos é urgente, apontam pesquisadores (17 August 2020) |
DouradosAgora (online news): A paradigm shift in the conservation of microorganisms is urgent, researchers point out (18 August 2020) |
Science.apa.at (online article): Microbiome – the “smallest life” big on the rise (20 August 2020) |
eCycle (online news): Uso de tecnologias de microbioma pode transformar a agroindústria (1 September 2020) |
HAL (journal article): Microbiome definition re-visited: old concepts and new challenges (15 September 2020) |
C2W (online news): Microbiomes in the safe (20 January 2021) |
FinanzNachrichten.de (online news): Das Potenzial der Mikrobiome – Helfer für Umwelt und Gesundheit (28 January 2021) |
Finanzen.net (online news): Das Potenzial der Mikrobiome – Helfer für Umwelt und Gesundheit (28 January 2021) |
Der Standard (newspaper article): Ungenutzte Bodenschätze: Wie Mikroben die Welt verbessern können (20 March 2021) |
Innovationsorigins (online article): Microbiomes could make our food systems more sustainable and resilient (29 July 2022) |
Euractiv (online article): Biobased agri-innovation with microbiome products – EU lags behind US, Brazil and New Zealand, say microbiome researchers (16 September 2022) |
Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development (online article): Microbiome research for a sustainable, healthy and safe food system (11 October 2022) |
Agropages (online article): A 60-year experiment points to the success of biofertilizers as an alternative to synthetic nitrogen (12 October 2022) |
(online article): Азотфиксирующие биоудобрения экономят бразильским соеводам около 10 млрд долларов США в закупке синтетического азота (9 October 2022) |
Mundo Agropecuario (online article): Un experimento de 60 años apunta al éxito de los biofertilizantes como alternativa al nitrógeno sintético (21 October 2022) |
Project Repository Journal (online article): Paving the microbiome way for improved food systems (October 2022) |
EUFIC (online article): Microbiome innovations drive sustainable food production and human health (2 November 2022) |