The Graz University of Technology is one of the top ten technical universities in Europe. One of the universities’ fields of expertise is Human Technology & Biotechnology. The Institute of Environmental Biotechnology is involved in this area as well as in inter-university cooperation projects with NAWI Graz and BioTechMed. The institute’s key areas of competency are microbiome research and technology, especially biocontrol of plant and human pathogens. The institute specializes in the investigation of plant and indoor microbiomes, the discovery of novel bioactive metabolites, in addition to product development and optimization, e.g. by means of omics technologies. Since 2015, the institute is headed by Prof. Dr. Gabriele Berg. In the last years, her team published ground breaking results on the plant microbiome, developed several products for plant health and resilience, and was able to patent some innovations.
Homepage: https://www.tugraz.at/institutes/ubt/home
Publications: https://scholar.google.at/citations?user=TeMrTQQAAAAJ&hl=de